I have posted on the Nature Recordists files section two recordings I made=
recently with my Portadisc, Telinga reflector and Sennheiser MKH20 in the
Intervales state park. This park, in the southwest of the state of S=E3o
Paulo, has a large area of Atlantic Forest at elevations from sea level to=
900 m (3000 ft).
IntervalesOwls is a pair of Tawny-browed Owls Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana with=
what appears to be a third bird (perhaps an immature) hissing towards the
end. IntervalesEuphonia is the song of a male Green-chinned Euphonia
Euphonia chalybea.
The URLs are
The recordings are mono and the quality is not up to that of the marvellous=
contributions of the leading members of the list but it might be refreshing=
to have something from South America. As I am working with four others on a=
DVD-ROM of the birds of Brazil I welcome criticism and comments.
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