I try to make sure I have a fully charged gumstick battery in the
minidisk recorder, in the older models, when you then attach the
external AA battery holder it uses that one first (don't know about the
DR480/DR7 and rechargeable batteries work fine (they may start out with
a lower voltage but it doesn't drop by much I'm guessing). Alternatively
get yourself a couple more gumstick batteries, mine in the DR480/DR7
last me quite a few hours of recording/playing and the charger isn't
that big (and fits all Sharp MD recorders).
Marty Michener wrote:
>At 06:35 PM 3/31/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>>I recently bought a Sharp MD-DR7 minidisk and have a question about
>>battery use. The internal battery is a gum stick AD-N55BT. The
>>manual instructs to use an Alkaline AA battery in the external
>>battery case, with a caution against use of a rechargable battery.
>>I would prefer to use a AA NIMH in the external case. I wonder if
>>any harm would occur if I did use the NIMH battery? Anyone have a
>>clue about why the manufacture would not want the use of a
>>rechargeable battery?
>More probably it is a matter of insufficient voltage - Lithium and
>alkalines typically start their discharge curve when new about 1.6 or 1.7
>volts. NiMH about 1.3 to 1.4 volts. The old Nickle Cds were even lower -
>typically 1.25 volts. The external battery can't charge perhaps if it is
>below 1.5 - just a guess, though.
>I send my best regards,
>Marty Michener, MIST Software Assoc. Inc., P. O. Box 269, Hollis, NH 03049
>Spring has sprung, the grass has riz. Wonder what kind of grass it is?
>Graminoids - a new book for naturalists to identify sedges and grasses.
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