Jim wrote:
> From: "Jim Morgan" <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 07:02:14 -0700
> To: <>
> Subject: [Nature Recordists] Favorite recordings
> One of my favorite recordings is of White-throated Swifts (Aeronautes
> saxatalis) that I recorded in 1999 at Hell Canyon, Arizona, USA. There w=
> about eight Swifts flying around me, at times only a few feet away. The s=
> of their chatter rises and falls as they fly near and far.
May I nominate one I didn't make - but hope someone else has. Or will.
1972, and as a National Parks administrator attending the Second World
Conference on National Parks, I visited several US Parks relevant to our
local situation. One was Carlsbad Caverns.
I arrived there very early in the day and entered the caves as soon as they
were opened. There was a very large colony of some sort of cave swifts.
The massed choir of their voices, in the perfect quiet and 'concert-hall'
acoustics of the cavern entrance, made some of the most heavenly nature
music I've heard.
How I wished I had a recorder!
Syd Curtis in Brisbane, Australia