At 5:45 PM +0800 3/31/04, Geoff Carey wrote:
>Although a beginner with the technical stuff, I've been recording
>bird vocalisations for some years now and would like to upgrade to
>produce non-compressed recordings suitable for spectrographic
>analysis and publication.
>The Fostex FR-2 appears to be almost double the price of the Marantz
>PMD670 (at least here in HK). Is there any compelling reason for
>buying the former, rather than the latter, when it comes to my
>particular interest?
>(I searched the archive for clues to this, but didn't find anything.
>Apologies if I've overlooked anything significant).
>Geoff Carey
>Hong Kong
For recording/analyzing robust sound levels you might not require an
FR-2 for 24 bits or the higher quality mic preamp. Those are the
first two differences that pop out for me. If you do record sounds
that saturate at low levels, 24 bit and higher sample rates smight be
very useful in spectrographic analysis for better amplitude and Hz
definition. You might want to rent a 24bit deck (with an option to
apply the rental fee to purchase price) and run some tests. I assume
the Marantz has the prerecord buffer. Rob D.