In a message dated 2/17/04 4:16:19 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> Subj: RE: [Nature Recordists] Coloration
> Date: 2/17/04 4:16:19 PM Pacific Standard Time
> From:
> Reply-to:
> To:
> Sent from the Internet
> One problem is that a parabola focuses the higher frequencies more than
> the lower frequencies, thus coloring the sound with and emphasis on the
> higher frequencies. Sometimes I have to knock down the higher
> frequencies in the studio later to achieve a more natural sound when
> recording with the parabola.
> Kevin Colver
This brings up a question that I asked some time ago, but still don't quite
understand. I usually record using the Telinga Parabolic dish and a single MKH
20 mic powered by the HHB Portadisc Phantom Power feature. The microphone has
a switch called "diffuse-field equalization". On "ON" this seems to increase
the dB gradually to +6 starting at 2000 Hz. It appears that having this switch
ON makes the problem stated above by Kevin even worse? Right?
John V. Moore Nature Recordings
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]