Nice work, John, and good luck with the publication. Question: how
are you able to do this for a retail price of $26USD? That's amazing,
not to mention the labor and dedication it took to put a book/CD
series of that scope together. Who's publishing it?
Bernie Krause
>Dear All,
>I am happy to announce that (at last!) we will be publishing The Birds of
>Southwest Ecuador later this month. The booklet has been printed and the C=
>packages are currently being assembled. Product should be available
>in 2 weeks.
>This is a 5 CD publication and is in many ways may be our best publication=
>date. Below are the details.
>The Birds of Southwest Ecuador
>by Paul Coopmans, John V. Moore, Niels Krabbe, Olaf Jahn, Karl S. Berg, Mi=
>Lysinger, Lelis Navarrete and Robert S. Ridgely
>Published 2004, 5 CDs
>Retail Price: $25.95
>Features almost 1000 separate vocalizations from 235 species found in
>Southwestern Ecuador. The habitats covered are diverse and range
>from desert, desert
>scrub and dry forest to humid forest, and also include lakes, marshes, sal=
>ponds, sandy beaches, and mangroves. A large number of species and subspec=
>confined to the important "Tumbesian Endemic Area" are featured.
>Below is pasted the complete play list for this publication.
>CD # 1
>1-1. Pale-browed Tinamou
>1-2. Andean Tinamou
>1-3. Neotropic Cormorant
>1-4. Anhinga
>1-5. Horned Screamer
>1-6. Fulvous Whistling-Duck
>1-7. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
>1-8. Comb Duck
>1-9. White-cheeked Pintail
>1-10. Blue-winged Teal
>1-11. Chilean Flamingo
>1-12. Cocoi Heron
>1-13. Great Egret
>1-14. Snowy Egret
>1-15. Little Blue Heron
>1-16. Tricolored Heron
>1-17. Striated Heron
>1-18. Cattle Egret
>1-19. Black-crowned Night-Heron
>1-20. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
>1-21. Least Bittern
>1-22. Pinnated Bittern
>1-23. White Ibis
>1-24. Osprey
>1-25. Hook-billed Kite
>1-26. Pearl Kite
>1-27. Snail Kite
>1-28. Gray-backed Hawk
>1-29. Savanna Hawk
>1-30. Common (Mangrove) Black-Hawk
>1-31. Great Black-Hawk
>1-32. Harris's Hawk
>1-33. Gray Hawk
>1-34. Short-tailed Hawk
>1-36. Variable (Red-backed) Hawk
>1-37. Northern Crested-Caracara
>1-38. American Kestrel
>1.39. Peregrine Falcon
>1-40. Rufous-headed Chachalaca
>1-41. Rufous-fronted Wood-Quail
>1-42. Gray-breasted Crake
>1-43. White-throated Crake
>1-44. Plumbeous Rail
>1-45. Clapper Rail
>1-46. Rufous-necked Wood-Rail
>1-47. Purple Gallinule
>1-48. Common Gallinule
>1-49. Limpkin
>1-50. Wattled Jacana
>1-51. Greater Yellowlegs
>1-52. Lesser Yellowlegs
>1-53. Willet
>1-54. Spotted Sandpiper
>1-55. Whimbrel
>1-56. Ruddy Turnstone
>1-57. Sanderling
>1-58. Semipalmated Sandpiper
>1-59. Least Sandpiper
>1-60. Pectoral Sandpiper
>1-61. Stilt Sandpiper
>1-62. Short-billed Dowitcher
>1-63. Peruvian Thick-knee
>1-64. American Oystercatcher
>1-65. Black-necked Stilt
>1-66. Gray Plover
>1-67. American Golden Plover
>1-68. Semipalmated Plover
>1-69. Snowy Plover
>1-70. Collared Plover
>1-71. Killdeer
>1-72 Wilson's Plover
>1-73. Kelp Gull
>1-74. Laughing Gull
>1-75. Gray-hooded Gull
>1-76. Franklin's Gull
>1-77. Gull-billed Tern
>1-78. Royal Tern
>1-79. Sandwich Tern
>1-80. Pale-vented Pigeon
>CD # 2
>2-1. Eared Dove
>2-2. West Peruvian Dove
>2-3. Plain-breasted Ground-Dove
>2-4. Ecuadorian Ground-Dove
>2-5. Croaking Ground-Dove
>2-6. Blue Ground-Dove
>2-7. Ochre-bellied Dove
>2-8. White-tipped Dove
>2-9. Great Green Macaw
>2-10. Red-masked Parakeet
>2-11. El Oro Parakeet
>2-12. Pacific Parrotlet
>2-13. Gray-cheeked Parakeet
>2-14. Red-lored Amazon
>2-15. Gray-capped Cuckoo
>2-16. Smooth-billed Ani
>2-17. Groove-billed Ani
>2-18. Striped Cuckoo
>2-19. West Peruvian Screech-Owl
>2-20. Pacific Pygmy-Owl
>2-21. Burrowing Owl
>2-22. Striped Owl
>2-23. Common Potoo
>2-24. Lesser Nighthawk
>2-25. Anthony's Nightjar
>2-26. Tumbes Swift
>2-27. Baron's Hermit
>2-28. Emerald-bellied Woodnymph
>2-29. Tumbes Hummingbird
>2-30. Amazilia Hummingbird
>2-31. Loja Hummingbird
>2-32. White-vented Plumeleteer
>2-34. Long-billed Starthroat
>2-35. Short-tailed Woodstar
>2-36. Little Woodstar
>2-37. Ecuadorian Trogon
>2-38. Northern Violaceous Trogon
>2-39. Ringed Kingfisher
>2-40. Green Kingfisher
>2-41. Blue-crowned Motmot
>2-42. Ecuadorian Piculet
>2-43. Smoky-brown Woodpecker
>2-44. Scarlet-backed Woodpecker
>2-45. Pacific Hornero
>2-46. Slaty Spinetail
>2-47. Blackish-headed Spinetail
>2-48. Necklaced Spinetail
>2-49. Line-cheeked Spinetail
>2-50. Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner
>2-51. Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner
>2-52. Streaked Xenops
>2-53. Olivaceous Woodcreeper
>2-54. Streak-headed Woodcreeper
>2-55. Red-billed Scythebill
>CD # 3
>3-1. Collared Antshrike (bernardi)
>3-2. Collared Antshrike (piurae)
>3-3. Chapman's Antshrike
>3-4. Plain Antvireo
>3-5. Jet Antbird
>3-6. White-backed Fire-Eye
>3-7. Gray-headed Antbird
>3-8. Watkins's Antpitta
>3-9. Rusty-breasted Antpitta
>3-10. Elegant Crescentchest
>3-11. Ecuadorian (El Oro) Tapaculo
>3-12. Sooty-headed Tyrannulet
>3-13. Loja Tyrannulet
>3-14. Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet
>3-15. Tumbesian Tyrannulet
>3-16. Gray-and-white Tyrannulet
>3-17. Pacific Elaenia
>3-18. Greenish Elaenia
>3-19. Yellow-bellied Elaenia
>3-20. Rufous-winged Tyrannulet
>3-21. Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant
>3-22. Yellow Tyrannulet
>3-23. Common Tody-Flycatcher
>3-24. Yellow-olive Flatbill
>3-25. Pacific Royal-Flycatcher
>3-26. Bran-colored Flycatcher
>3-27. Tumbes Pewee
>3-28. Gray-breasted Flycatcher
>3-29. Vermilion Flycatcher
>3-30. Short-tailed Field-Tyrant
>3-31. Masked Water-Tyrant
>3-32. Ochraceous Attila
>3-33. Dusky-capped Flycatcher
>3-34. Sooty-crowned Flycatcher
>3-35. Boat-billed Flycatcher
>3-36. Social Flycatcher
>3-37. Streaked Flycatcher
>3-38. Baird's Flycatcher
>CD # 4
>4-1. Snowy-throated Kingbird
>4-2. Slaty Becard
>4-3. Black-and-white Becard
>4-4. One-colored Becard
>4-5. White-tailed Jay
>4-6. Rufous-browed Peppershrike
>4-7. Red-eyed Vireo
>4-8. Plumbeous-backed Thrush
>4-9. Ecuadorian Thrush
>4-10. Andean Slaty-Thrush
>4-11. Long-tailed Mockingbird
>4-12. Gray-breasted Martin
>4-13. Tumbes Swallow
>4-14. Chestnut-collared Swallow
>4-15. Fasciated Wren
>4-16. Speckle-breasted Wren
>4-17. Superciliated Wren
>4-18. House Wren
>4-19. Gray-breasted Wood-Wren
>4-20. Long-billed Gnatwren
>4-21. Tropical Gnatcatcher
>4-22. Tropical Parula
>4-23. Mangrove Warbler
>4-24. Olive-crowned Yellowthroat
>4-25. Black-lored Yellowthroat
>4-26. Three-banded Warbler
>4-27. Gray-and-gold Warbler (ochraceicrista)
>4-28. Gray-and-gold Warbler (fraseri)
>4-29. Blue-gray Tanager
>4-30. Thick-billed Euphonia
>4-31. Silver-backed Tanager
>4-32. Highland Hepatic-Tanager
>4-33. Ashy-throated Bush-Tanager
>4-34. Black-and-white Tanager
>CD # 5
>5-1. Black-cowled Saltator
>5-2. Streaked Saltator
>5-3. Southern Yellow-Grosbeak
>5-4. Crimson-breasted Finch
>5-5. Blue-black Grassquit
>5-6. Dull-colored Grassquit
>5-7. Parrot-billed Seedeater
>5-8. Drab Seedeater
>5-9. Chestnut-throated Seedeater
>5-10. Large-billed Seed-Finch
>5-11. Sulphur-throated Finch
>5-12. Saffron Finch
>5-13. Cinereous Finch
>5-14. Band-tailed Sierra-Finch
>5-15. White-winged Brush-Finch
>5-16. Bay-crowned Brush-Finch
>5-17. White-headed Brush-Finch
>5-18. Pale-headed Brush-Finch
>5-19. Orange-billed Sparrow
>5-20. Black-capped Sparrow
>5-21. Tumbes Sparrow
>5-22. Collared Warbling-Finch
>5-23. Shiny Cowbird
>5-24. Yellow-rumped Cacique
>5-25. Scrub Blackbird
>5-26. Great-tailed Grackle
>5-27. White-edged Oriole
>5-28. Yellow-tailed Oriole
>5-29. Peruvian Meadowlark
>5-30. Saffron Siskin
>5-31. House Sparrow
>My website @ lists retailers.
>My very best,
>John V. Moore Nature Recordings
>John V. Moore Nature Recordings
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>"Microphones are not ears,
>Loudspeakers are not birds,
>A listening room is not nature."
>Klas Strandberg
>Yahoo! Groups Links
Wild Sanctuary, Inc.
P. O. Box 536
Glen Ellen, California 95442-0536
Tel: (707) 996-6677
Fax: (707) 996-0280