Don't ask me. He was a filmmaker and solved all other problems. I wouldn't
be surprised if he even made his own camera. Besides he was very sick for
many years but could still do things nobody else could. On top of that he
was a joggler and a whistler and made a few recordings of himself whisteling
popular songs. Remarkable man.
At 10:44 2003-12-10 -0500, you wrote:
>At 04:35 PM 12/10/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>>Ha! The Swedish (now unfortunatelly gone from this world) Jan Lindblad had
>>two 5 meter parabolas mounted on big poles near a birding lake in India. I
>>wish I knew how they worked.
>And when the wind blew he did . . . what?
>my best regards,
>Marty Michener
>Hollis, NH
>What a succession of chances, or what changes of level have been
>brought into play, thus to spread these small animals throughout
>this broken archipelago! CHARLES DARWIN
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