People, why not just try plastic umbrellas! They DO work.
At 10:15 2003-12-10 -0300, you wrote:
>Hi there folks,
>I have been searching the web for some types of parabolic reflectors that =
could use as an example. I came across several models used for indoor
lighting. They are supposed to be aluminum made, lightweight (average weigh=
below 2 lb / 1 kg) and cheap (ca 20 to 25 USD).
> (diameter 52 cm)
(diameter not specified)
(diameter not specified)
> (diameter not
>Could some of you have a look at the links, and give me your opinions
whether any of these designs would work as a good reflector for nature
sounds recordings?
>Thanks again,
>Daniel De Granville
>Bonito, MS, Brazil
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