Good morrow, friends:
I have gotten close enough to finishing the PDF book to which I referred
last month, so I have chosen to place a 3 megabyte excerpt - sans sounds -=
DL from my web site publishing page:
The book is entitled: "This Broken Archipelago - Cape Cod and the Islands
Amphibians and Reptiles." Details are given on the web page.
I must say, this is the first time I have completely read through all its
nearly 200 pages of text at one sitting - you will I am sure agree that
Skip Lazell is a very entertaining and controversial writer!
The free 33 page TBASample.PDF, disallows editing or printing, and contains=
several introductory sections, all written by Skip some 28 years ago, along=
with the full species accounts, illustrations and maps for one of each: a
salamander, a frog, a turtle and a snake.
As usual, comments of all kinds will be very welcome while we are still
formatting the typesetting and layout. The pink CD cover was designed anew=
but matches the style of Quadrangle Press' dust jacket from 1976.
Very sorry for the "commercial", Doug, please carry on; I will gladly
answer inquiries in private email.
my best regards to all,
Marty Michener
Hollis, NH
What a succession of chances, or what changes of level have been brought
into play, thus to spread
these small animals throughout this broken archipelago! CHARLES DARWI=
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