I've checked through the archives here and couldn't find any answers
to my query, though I'm sure this has been discussed at length:
I was inspired by this group a couple years ago to try my hand at
recording outdoor sounds, especially on extended backpacks in the
Grand Canyon - ambient sounds to remember back home with. I have a
few nice recordings that I've made with a Sony ECM-MS957 stereo mic
and a Sony MZ-R70 unit - I take longish trips and like to keep things
light/compact, and have not advanced yet to concerns about pre-amps,
better quality etc. Question:
Is there a lighter and more compact mic I can utilize? The ECM-MS957
and its stand is the bulkiest and heaviest part of the setup, but I
recall reading here of alternatives in that price range. It must be
Many thanks to this group for inspiring my first steps in nature
Tom Bourne