From: "Greg Winterflood" <>
> Hi Daniel and all
> Just wondering Daniel if you could share the design for your cheap
> parabolic reflector?
> I'd like to get a parabolic from Klas; but last Saturday I bought a
> new house and so must be watching the pennies!
There is nothing particularly exotic about building a parabolic. Except
for the reflector, so buy that. I suggest getting a Telinga spare dish
to build up. Then when you end up buying the full kit you have a spare
dish for it. A while back I put together a simple concept based on the
Telinga dish and put up some photos, it's just a concept, plenty of
variations depending on available materials and tools:
The mic I used was a sony tie tac mic, but any small mic would do.
Obviously the better the mic, the nicer the sound. Low noise is not
quite as critical in parabolics, though still nice, as you get
considerable gain before the mic from the reflector. I recorded for a
number of years with a tie tac mic based parabolic (also shown on that
page) before getting the Telinga.