I played for a bit and had great fun with these sounds in Audition
1.0. I found in order to eliminate the water sound I had to hit the
noise reduction as hard as I have ever tried to hit anything. I can
not say it is better than the original because the water sound does
add something. If the goal is reduction of the water sound all I
would get with a lighter noise reduction setting was artifact. So I
went with the option of hitting it so hard as to try and kill it
completely. These mp3's are very small for download.
Applied hard noise reduction at 100% with a reduction of 75 db having
taken a sample to model the reduction from a quiet segment at the
end. This probably did reduce the echo effect. I cut and replaced
with silence the first 2 seconds. I clipped the end off.
Sampled for noise reduction within the queit center section. Applied
to entire segment very hard. Set at 100% noise reduction level and
reduction by 75 db. Then clipped both highs and lows tighter in order
to minimize remaining artifact.
Noise 97139
Determined the portion to sample for noise reduction and noted that I
did not want noise reduction to include the very low frequencies with
a constant tone. I did a fft filter cut below 100 cycles in the first
segment and then sampled that filtered segment for the model in noise
reduction. I then undid the fft filter and applied the noise
reduction to the entire segment very hard. 100% reduction by 75db. I
then cut highs and lows tighter and clipped the end to reduce
Could not find a solution
Could not find a solution.
These sounds will be removed from my server as examples of
alternatives at the end of this week. This is because they are not
my files and I understand I really don't have permission to post them.
Rich Peet
--- In "Anthony Kirchgessner"
<> wrote:
> In an attempt to get up-to-speed with my sound editing software, I
> decided to use the sound files located here
> http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/vents/acoustics/sounds_mystery.html
> as a way of practicing to reduce background noise. I thought others
> might find them useful, too.
> These are a few of NOAA's "mystery sounds" and contain much "Sea
> Hunt"-type noise. I found it a useful exercise to try to isolate
> mystery sounds from this noise. I had moderate success with all but
> one of these file -- Upsweep.
> Can anyone recommend any other sets of files for editing practice?
> Incidentally, these sounds, isolated or not, would be fantastic for
> that Halloween ambiance. Playing them out the front window of your
> home will be a sure way to keep the youngsters at bay! I found
> Slowdown to be particularly disturbing.
> Cheers,
> Tony Kirchgessner