--- In Walter Knapp <>
> I suppose Alice is a lot noisier than when I was there in 1979.
> there should be a little bit of the outback that's quiet still.
You're right Walt. It's called the Simpson Desert - EastSouthEast
from here. Can't wait to get back out there next winter with some
recording gear. I reckon it's so quiet out there I'll be able to
record the noise of the stars in the Milky Way if it's a still
> All those roads are probably paved now. They were much more
> entertaining back then.
They're paved and some of the entertainment has been stopped. The
usual NT speed limit is No Limit, but so many foreign tourists were
getting killed on that road that a limit of 110k/hr has been laid
down. Of course, on other roads in the Territory you can still see
if your Ferrari can do over 300k/hr.
> If the LED is exposed enough, try poking at it when it should be
lit. If
> it blinks on, time for a little soldering.
Good idea. Will give that a try.
> >I've always enjoyed soldering
> > (pronounced sol-dar-ing here, not 'soddering which gave me a
> > surprise when I first heard it in Pennsylvania!)
> That's ok, one of the shop owners where I get electronic bits
calls it
> slobbering. But soddering is a common way in the US.
Surprised me when I was aged 16 to hear something that, to an
Australian ear, sounded so much like Sodom and Gomorrah. But now I
know there are 'dialectitians' everywhere, Marx my words!!
Thanks again for you help and advice - and a chat.
Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia