Sjoerd Mayer wrote:
> I also downloaded Adobe Audition. The only reason for me to do that
> was that it reads (and writes?, not sure, didn't need it yet) Windows
> Media Audio (WMA) files. I was perfectly happy with CoolEdit 2000,
> but it couldn't handle WMA files, and as it seems Audition does
> everything CE2000 does, I'm happy with it. A painless transition so
> far.
> If you live in Europe, and want to avoid Adobe's elevated prices
> here, try registering as someone living in Singapore. Also, they
> upgrade from CE 2000 for US$99, a big saving from the full price of
> $299.
I've several of Adobe's products. Each one I got a while back by taking
advantage of some special deal and just upgrade from time to time as
that avoids having to pay the current prices, though eventually you do
pay as much over time. Adobe is one of the best computer software
companies. Their software is excellent and works well. As much as it may
be painful for the price of the audio software to jump, it will probably
turn out in the long run to be worthwhile. It's a new area for Adobe,
will be interesting to see where they take it. Video stuff is the hot
product right now, so every company making graphic software that wants
to do video has to deal with audio. Lots of companies that did not do
audio getting into it. Even Apple is getting in deeper, they have
introduced a more sane plugin specification that might help.
I've just spent the money on upgrading my mac software. I've just about
gotten done with the conversion to OSX. Every piece of software required
a upgrade, and I've been buying those for several months in preparation.
For sound I've now got SparkXL 2.8.1 and Peak 4, both the latest
versions. Some interesting improvements, but mostly a new interface to
match OSX. And, of course I've upgraded Jam and Toast for CD burning.
Some nifty stuff there, even more elaborate crossfades and such like.
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