There is a wealth of detailed user information at the
splendid CoolEdit/Adobe Auditon forum here:
> Message: 7
> Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 09:25:38 +0200
> From: "Dominique Laloux" <>
> Subject: RE: Re: Adobe Audition (was boo)
> Have also started to use Audition (upgrade from
> CoolEdit 2000 -
> packaged, not downloaded).
> As I never used CoolEdit Pro, my first impression of
> Audition is very
> good. I like particularly the additional filtering
> and noise reduction
> tools (CE2000 only had some of them).
> One thing I still miss, though : a proper
> documentation, that would go
> beyond the simple description of software features.
> Something that would
> give a lot more to the non-professional user. One
> could argue that is
> not a task for the software developper, but I am
> convinced it wouldn't
> hurt to provide a more complete documentation...
> Perhaps there is something here for a member (or for
> members) of this
> list : There must be enough competence in this list
> to write a really
> good book about sound editing with a sofwtare such
> as Audition !
> Dominique
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