Then so it shall be. By the way, "some of us" might have detected a
little note of scortchy sarcasm in your posting. It is good that some
of us do not bite back.
Doug Von Gausig wrote:
>Some us, like your loyal moderator, also belong to groups such as BirdChat=
>Ornith-L, NEOORN-L, etc., etc., where these topics are legitimately and
>completely discussed. Some of us, like your faithful moderator, must read=
>every post to the group, relevant or not, and cannot afford the luxury of=
>simply deleting off-topic posts. I am generally very tolerant of O-T posts=
>but this one looked like it had "legs" to me. I like Martyn's idea - I've=
>joined up. As this group's moderator, I say let's return, gentle reader, t=
>nature recording.
Jim Lee
919 682 5853
audio art, gourd sculpture,
lighting design, and forensic audio