[re-sent after the first post having failed to post after nearly an hour]
You have failed nothing. But it is amazing. I have had the same (now very
spam filled) email address for eight years, just click Reply-to-all and it
comes to me (along with porn and 20 offers to remortgage my house, every
day). ;^) But I somehow manage to stay very productive despite my PC.
Syntrillium actually changed the command between 2002 (it had been the same
for six years, since 1996) and CEP 2.0 in 2003!! Cool Edit Pro version 1
was Ctrl-I for "I"nformation. Now they use the very stupid Ctrl-"P"
(always used for "P"rint in everything else, to print a page or
document. Stupid, stupid, stupid.)
But you can easily find it anyway, despite their new-found stupidity.
Click View->Wave Properties and then the TEXT FIELDS tab, and a form opens
up where you can type and [tab] your way through fifteen blanks, using the
standard RIFF (Rich Information File Format) system invented way before IBM
or Apple by Atari. The AIFF sound file by Apple is also a RIFF file, able
to contain any RIFF chunks you stick in, such as copyright, author, title,
comment, even a bitmapped picture file within the parent sound file. It is
also easy for any software to find any of the chunks in the file it wants
to, without disturbing any of the unrecognized chunks of data. It is quite
a simple system, with each chunk having its own four byte ID code and
telling all just how far down the file you have to go to find the next
chunk. According to Walt, it is regrettable that none of the Apple
software manufacturers have allowed Mac users to regularly access this
valuable attribute.
my best regards,
Marty Michener
MIST Software Associates PO Box 269, Hollis, NH 03049
EnjoyBirds.com - Software that migrates with you. http://www.EnjoyBirds.com
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release Date: 8/19/2003
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