Doug Von Gausig wrote:
> Here's an inquiry I received on July 26th. If you have any ideas, please
> reply to the list and I'll respond to the person who inquired.
> Doug
>>from <>
>>1. My location is Bedford near Battle Creek, MI.
>>2. The sounds came from my backyard in an outlying residential area.
>>Housing sparse some farms lots of trees. They came specifically from a
>>pond which is somewhat overgrown and a little dry this year. More swamp
>>than pond with trees on the far hillside houses on 2 sides and a road on
>>the 4th side.
>>3. I heard it at 2:30 AM.
>>4. I have no recording.
>>5. My guess would be it was a deer but I have never heard a sound like
>>that in all my travels and camping and not even on all the wildlife shows
>>I have watched. It had some of the tones of the wapiti but not so
>>whistling. Lower in tone and more snorty or sneezy. Each call lasted about
>>4 seconds And was repeated about 10 times within about 5 minutes. I can
>>almost immitate the sound by placing my top teeth against my lower lip and
>>humming and blowing hard and explosively. There were also sounds of a
>>heavy animal moving through the brush and grasses and snapping twigs but
>>not like it was running or panicky. Just moving at a normal walk. As I say
>>I suspect a deer but I have never heard such a sound and why would they
>>make it. Is it a mating call - a challenge- a warning.
>>Any information would be greatly appreciated. Being woken at 2:30 AM by
>>such a sound levaes quite an impression.
>>Thank you
Sounds very much like a deer. It's their startle or warning sound, not
sure which. I hear it from time to time here when I go outside at night
and startle one of the deer in my "front yard". Though they are so used
to me now that they hardly ever give it anymore.