Hello all:
I have posted a single song from a warbler, which at the time I IDed as a
Townsends. Let me see if you all agree. Since, in the conversion from WAV
to MP3 much of my standard internal metadata is lost, I provide the
recording-specific data here:
Recorded in mono from Sennheiser ME-66 with windscreen and bass roll-off on
cassette tape,
1997 06 08; 08:30 PDT
Washington, Issaquah, Cougar Mountain Regional Park; Coal Creek. at trail
junction C2 and C3.
WX: 60 degrees, sunny, calm.
The file is located at:
Thanks for any comments . .
my best regards,
Marty Michener
MIST Software Associates PO Box 269, Hollis, NH 03049
EnjoyBirds.com - Software that migrates with you. http://www.EnjoyBirds.com
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