We counted 32 species of birds this year, along with 4 types of
snakes, 5 different types of lizards, voles, moles, gophers, field
mice, foxes, coyotes, our resident mountain lion, and many, many gray
squirrels, insects, and two types of frogs. And they all came in the
greatest abundance I've seen in a decade beginning in March. But over
the past several days, the choruses have dropped off noticeably to
the point where we are only getting a few sporatic acorn
woodpeckers,Wilson's warblers, juncos, and house finches, chipping
and white crowned sparrows, now. For the most part, the chorus is
seriously on the wane and virtually non-existent in some places. (We
live in a biological island 100m above sea level surrounded by about
40 acres of contiguous oak forest, 45 miles north of San Francisco,
in the Valley of the Moon...otherwise known as Glen Ellen or Jack
London country).
Bernie Krause
>Our Dawn Chorus if you can call it that is about over up here. Birds up
>here have to breed fast and get the heck out before the snow falls.
>I was amazed when driving down to California one summer the number of birds
>which had quit singing up here that were still doing their thing in
>Washington, Oregon an California.
>Barb Beck
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rich Peet
>Sent: July 2, 2003 1:04 PM
>Subject: [Nature Recordists] Re: Apologies for silence
>It would be good not to have it this weekend.
>This is a holiday weekend for the US and as such it is a big weekend
>for road noise and power toys.
>Rich Peet
>--- In "Laloux, Dominique"
><> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I must apologize to Klas, Chris, Martyn, Greg, and anyone else who
>> to my suggestion to run another Dawn Chorus Day this year... I lost
>> with the group either on Friday or sometime at the weekend. It
>looks like
>> messages have been refused by my mail server and I was simply
>removed from
>> the list by the Yahoo server.
>> Doug tells me that perhaps that was due to a change in an email
>filter that
>> was done last week at the office. I just switched to another email
>> I am still very much interested in the idea of another Dawn Chorus
>> I'll jot down a few ideas in a new thread...
>> Dominique Laloux
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Wild Sanctuary, Inc.
P. O. Box 536
Glen Ellen, CA 95442
707-996-6677 tel
707-996-0280 fax