Yes MN Marsh Wrens don't sound like western Marsh Wrens.
On my first birding trip to CA I could not ID either a House Wren or
a Marsh Wren. Western Marsh Wrens are much more like the Singer
Sewing Machines than ours. For asthetics, I prefer our House and your
Rich Peet
--- In Doug Von Gausig <>
> At 09:42 AM 6/27/2003, Rich Peet wrote:
> >Some of us are paying attention to the nite.
> >Attached are Marsh Wrens in Central MN recorded at 2:00 A.M.
> >There is a period for these little energy bundles when they don't
> >appear to ever slow down.
> >
> >334kb download at:
> Very interesting! Those calls would be uncharacteristic of the
> daytime songs or calls in the west - are they similar to their
> calls in Minnesota?
> Doug
> Doug Von Gausig
> Clarkdale, Arizona, USA
> Moderator
> Nature Recordists e-mail group
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]