Dear Rich,
--- In "Rich Peet" <>
> that can not be taken apart so my copyrights are not at risk when
hate to disappoint, but almost anything that displays a picture can be
'taken apart' with screen grabs, if not through the displaying program
itself. There may be those programs that attempt to make it annoying
to do so, but...
As for sound, you can record RealAudio's patented distribution system
(.ram files) off line-out, so not a lot of chance in that medium, either.
> distributed free by me. I also want one lite on ram and load time.
> The one I use with an hour of sound and slide, it takes the program
> over 5 mins to load before the damn thing starts up. And no I wont
> use Real Products slide show either.
How about QuickTime movies? They can be run up to 30fps, or as slow as
keyclick per frame. Do the sound editing in CoolEdit, matching tracks
to frames, and you're golden.
If you don't have QuickTime (which includes authoring for like $30),
have a look at:
Hope that helps,