Date sent: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 20:09:32 -0800
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Repairs and Insurance
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> Hey all,
> A couple questions possibly best answered by a bunch of field
> recordists:
> First, I'm looking for a resource for repair of a HHB PortaDat and a
> Sony TCD-D8. Got anyone you like? (Preferably close to So. Cal.)
> Second, how, if at all, do you insure your gear when you take it out
> into the world (or even when it stays behind)? I've been getting more
> and more uncomfortable with having all the expensive stuff traveling
> with me.
> Thanks,
> Scott Shepard
> Kuma Sonics
> +1.310.399.6515
> +1.310.968.6515 mobile
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