J. Young wrote:
> Thanks for the valuable files and pictures Walt. I guess this mic is not going
> to be as portable as I had hoped. With your info at least I'll have a starting
> point.
It was not a easy mic to find out about when I started. It is a
excellent mic once you get it running.
There was a power supply that Sennheiser sold that was just a short
metal tube to hold a stack of mercury batteries. With that connector
(male and female) on the ends of it. I think it was made for the
mkh-104 and so on but could be adapted. I saw some auctioned on ebay
recently, but did not get them as it would be expensive to buy that many
batteries all the time.
I'd think you could make it a small, inline box. That's what I do with
my hydrophone for it's power. Biggest component is the battery. Note I
use a special rechargeable NIMH 9 volt battery. Most such are 7.2 volts,
but this one matches alkaline voltages. At full charge it's 10 volts.
It's a exact replacement for alkalines.