--- In Walter Knapp <> wrote:
> Shaun wrote:
> > Hey there,
> > Well i finally have the dish, mic and all the pvc,I am
> > going to put it together tonight hopefully. The one thing i still
> > wasn't to sure about was what to use as insulation within in my
> > tubing and around the mic. This may sound odd but i was thinking
> > about using gasket seal (form a gasket) in order to hold the mic
> > place the way i would like it to stay , and where the gasket seal
> > does not harden all the way i could still change mic posistions
if i
> > had to. What else would be appropriate for holding my mic (t-1450
> > place, yet still allow me to move it if need be. But i know that
> > can't use the gasket seal for insulation in around the T and etc..
> >
> I would not trust the solvents not to hurt the mic.
> You don't have to hold it that tight, it's probably not a good idea
> glue the mic. I've always used small bits of foam. Packed in place
> won't move, but you can take them out anytime. The one I did in the
> photo was the done with thin strips cut from the pink foam sheet
used to
> wrap computer things. It won't soak up water if it came to that. I
> wrapped the strip around the mic, and shoved it in place. Takes a
> adjustment of the amount of foam, so start with excess and keep
> off until it goes in moderately tight and it will hold fine. My
> the mic was held that way and gave no problems in two years of
heavy use.
> If the mic came with a tiny foam windscreen, mount the mic so you
> slip the foam on. It won't do a huge amount of stopping the wind,
> helps a little.
> Walt
Hi Walt,
Thank you for such a fast reply, i never even thought of the
chemicals in the sealer hurting the mic (Phew) But i have to say that
i'm not familiar withthe pink foam for computer parts you are talking
about. But about the wind screen, since you brought that up, would a
piece of foam (the kind off of a pair of earphone speakers be ok for
a makeshift windscreen, if not what would you consider from around
the house? And one other thing that i completly forgot to mention in
my first post. It was said to test the mic with pink noise? Sorry but
i have no idea about what this is , although i have cool edit pro,
and have seen "pink noise" or "add pink noise" in one of the drop
down menus of the program. I figure i can add pink noise to a new
blank session, how long (as in minutes/seconds) would be appropiate
to test the mic, or mabye just loop it to fill the entire cd then
burn it in wave format?