In the words of one of Australia's politicians... "Please explain?".
Gianni, what is a beam forming array? I gather from your discription
that it is a series of microphones, each with its own pre-amp. What
is the principle of operation? Does the large number of microphones
collect more of the available sound than a single element, which
seems ligical to me? Do you have any other sources for more
information on the subject?
-- In Gianni Pavan <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm willing to experiment beamforming techniques with a
microphone array
> I'd like to build at the lowest possible cost .
> First of all, I'd like to know if somebody has already experimented
> wideband beamforming techniques with microphones.
> Second, I'll like to have your advice to buy 8 or 16 CHEAP
> capsules (to be mounted tightly spaced on a small bar) and to build
> required preamplifiers to possibly drive line inputs.
> I'll like to hear your ideas,
> Gianni
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Gianni Pavan
> Email
> Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche Ambientali
> Universita' degli Studi di Pavia
> Via Taramelli 24, 27100 PAVIA, ITALIA
> Tel/Fax +39-0382-525234 Laboratori
> Tel/Fax +39-0382-526208 Segreteria
> Web