Vicki I gather that you are now an expert on stereo recording! I went to th=
article that has the variuos mic arrangements and have printed it out for
I have a pair of me66s which I have arranged as a coincident pair,i.e. they
are at 90=B0 with the elements one above the other. I used a bit of 9.5mm M=
board and the micholders. I have yet to devise a wind shield. In the
meantime I am using small hairy covers over each mic. Roger Chartres and
others in th UK make up a windshield from suitable material that looks lik=
a cake tin upside down over the mics. I wonder do they cut the mounting
board away under the mics? I have kept the rectangular board as I was going
to put some small dowels at the corners and use them to support the hairy
I have used the setup with just the small covers and while it seems to work
the recording level is low as the singers can be quite a distance away. I a=
using a Sony Minidisk and transferring the recordings to a PC with Cool Edi=
2000. ( Glad I bought it when I did as the new upgrade is offered as a
special for US$199!!)
Any comments or advice would be welcome.
Cheers. Stuart.