I had s similar experience. Lightening passed through my area and fried
my computer. I took my computer to my friendly service provider who
quickly found one damaged resistor. He replaced the part and things
worked fine thereafter. One piece of advise was turnoff your computer
when a storm approaches. There is no protection from a direct hit.
-----Original Message-----
From: oryoki2000
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 2:52 AM
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Re: A Technology Trivia puzzler.
My guess:
Lightning strike to telephone pole
sends voltage spike via phone lines,
frying phone section of surge protectors
with a snapping sound. Surge protectors
shunt high voltage to ground. Your Mac
had a second path to ground via the
external SCSI HD. A ground loop is
created, sending extra voltage along
the SCSI bus and damaging the internal
SCSI card. Voltage differential in
multiple paths to ground confirmed
later with VOM.
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