Some of us do because we were dumb enough to believe Cornell.
Barb Beck
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
-----Original Message-----
From: Wil Hershberger
Sent: July 4, 2002 6:55 PM
Subject: RE: [Nature Recordists] More on MKH and a little story abt.
I was saying to compare the cassette and the MD. The MD being a digital
format will record the cricket with great fidelity. The cassette will
sound terrible. I can't see why anyone would still use cassette over MD
these days.
Sorry for the confusion
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Von Gausig
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 5:39 PM
Subject: RE: [Nature Recordists] More on MKH and a little story abt.
At 11:38 AM 7/4/2002, Wil Hershberger wrote:
>If you really want to test the difference between MD and cassette try
>recording a cricket! You will see a MARKED difference in fidelity of
>the two recording media.
How so, Wil? I just took a look at the field cricket from your CD and
compared it to some of my MD recordings of that species. I couldn't see
hear anything I'd call a marked difference, but maybe I'm not looking at
the same things. Also I know that your ear is finely-tuned to insect
and mine is not .
Doug Von Gausig
Clarkdale, Arizona, USA
Nature Recordists e-mail group
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