To Gernot Huber;
We are about to put this article up on our web page
but have also posted it here.
How to Get Started in NATURE RECORDING
by John Neville
If you like the outdoors, enjoy the sounds of birds and frogs, don't mind w=
orking alone, NATURE RECORDING might be for you. Like Nature Photography, y=
ou need the right conditions and good equipment. The more time you can give=
to the hobby the more opportunities or luck you will have making good reco=
Typically, dawn is the best time to be out recording. The birds are proclai=
ming their territories. This is also the time of least human activity. A go=
od NATURE RECORDING must be free of background cars, trains, mills etc. Nat=
ure itself can also provide unacceptable background noises: rain, wind or l=
oud waves!
It might take weeks or even years to obtain one special recording but the r=
esult can be magical and the memories last a lifetime. For example, I recor=
ded a pair of Northern Cardinals near Long Point in May 2000. It was dawn a=
nd the Cardinals were the first to begin singing. There was no wind, in fac=
t , it was a perfectly still morning. There was only minimal sound from a n=
earby creek and the birds were only 5 meters away. Their rich whistled note=
s were truly beautiful. In my mind , it was a moment shared with the birds =
and never to be forgotten.
At its simplest, we need a recorder and a good microphone . Having said tha=
t, there are many kinds of recording machines and microphones. Traditionall=
y, reel to reel, cassette and R DAT tape recorders have been used. All of t=
hese are still available and can produce excellent results. My first record=
er was a Marantz cassette machine which was easy to operate. By way of illu=
stration, a friend of mine is using a 30 year old reel to reel recorder wit=
h great results. Once upon a time , that same machine was being used to cre=
ate the first Solitudes recordings. In 1993, Sony released the first MiniDi=
sc recorders . It is this technology that I am going to recommend to the be=
ginner who is currently looking to buy their first recorder.
MiniDisc Recorders
"Walkman"- sized recorders can fit easily into a pocket! Their portability =
is one of the great benefits to the nature recordist. They utalize an audio=
compression algorithm based on psychoacoustic principals, known as ATRAC. =
This system emphasizes the signals which best match the human auditory syst=
em (from the ear to the brain).The overall signal is compressed to 1/5 th o=
f the original input with very little loss of quality to the human ear. Min=
iDiscs record in digital format on a disc 7 x 7 cm, giving 64 minutes plus =
of record time . The transfer of sound to the MiniDisc occurs via a laser b=
eam. Because there are no moving parts involved ,this technology is not onl=
y reliable but very tolerant of extreme temperatures and jungle humidity!Th=
e Sony MZ-R30 and MZ-R50 are no longer being made but recordists still try =
to buy them second hand.The latest models MZ-R 700 and 900 are even smaller=
.The Sharp company also produce a good line of modestly priced MiniDisc rec=
orders. You can transfer Minidisc recordings directly to your computer prov=
iding you have a line out socket, suitable software package such as : "Cool=
Edit 2000"for Windows or "Amadeus 11 for Macintosh systems. This allows you=
to edit or transmit your recordings just like print or digital photography=
files. To learn all you ever need to know about MiniDiscs check out http:/=
Some recordists will argue that microphones are the most important componen=
t part of their kit. The microphone or sound receiver comes in two basic ty=
pes:The omni-directional accepts sound from all points of the compass. The =
uni-directional microphone receives signals in one direction only.There are=
many choices, but due to limited space I will try to simplify the options.=
The omni-directional receiver is good for "soundscapes ", where all the bi=
rds in the marsh, or backyard are desired .With the aid of a long cable an =
omni-directional mic can also be placed near a song perch to make specific =
recordings of one animal. Uni-directional equipment has a long barrel and t=
hey are known as"shotgun" microphones . It is the barrel which makes them r=
eceive in one direction rather like the beam of a light. These are great mi=
crophones to experiment with! Because the equipment is very sensitive to to=
uching, a mount and windscreen are necessary. These shotguns are very porta=
ble and easy to focus on individual birds. The Sennheiser ME67 is a good ch=
oice. This unit will work well with the MiniDisc recorder and get you into =
the feild at a reasonable cost. You will need to buy or make a special 1/8 =
inch adaptor cable to connect between the shotgun and the recorder.
The dish-like object we call a parabola is also uni-directional. With a mic=
rophone fitted at its focal point , facing in, the dish can be aimed at a d=
esireable sound 50 or more meters away. Please avoid the small 33cm (13 inc=
h) reflectors available on the market as they tend to be unsatisfactory. Th=
e better ones are 45cm (20 inches) or more. Parabolas are very useful piece=
s of equipment to bring in specific animal sound from a relatively long dis=
tance. One good example for the beginner is made by Mineroff Electronics, s=
ee The quality of a recording made with a parabol=
a can be amazing and very selective. Unfortuneately, most dishes are rigid =
and therefore clumsy to handle in the feild.
More Expensive Equipment
If you have the option of purchasing more expensive equipment: I will again=
simplify the choices. Top of the line MiniDisc recorders are 1) the Marant=
z PMD 650 and 2) the HHB PortaDisc. Both can be purchased for under $2000. =
Sennheiser produces the best and the most expensive MKH series shotgun micr=
ophones ,see . These mics have an excellent s=
ignal to noise ratio and are very effective from 6 to 20 meters distance. H=
owever, Sony and several other companies produce very acceptable products a=
t a more modest cost.
Telinga,, produces excellent parabolas for feild us=
e. The polycarbon 55 cm. dish is very durable, light and can be rolled up f=
or feild use. This company also produce their own microphones and you can b=
uy them as part of a complete package. This format will allow you to make q=
uality recordings 33 or more meters away and the cost is about $700. Whenev=
er possible, have your dealer test the equipment before you take delivery. =
It is very annoying to get into the feild and find out that your equipment =
is not working properly!
Blending into your environment is a bit of an art (feildcraft) but wonderfu=
lly satisfying. The reason to do so is simple.The closer you can get to the=
birds the better the recording opportunity:"half the distance and double t=
he signal". Wear dark, dull clothes as the birds can easily see bright colo=
urs. Bird song and human vocal sounds use similar frequencies, therefore, s=
peech should be minimal ! Its important to move slowly and quietly. Sudden =
movements may spook the object of your attention. Likewise , the sound of y=
our feet on gravel or rustling clothes will spoil your recording. Sometimes=
a gradual approach to a singing bird can be made obliquely so that you app=
ear non-confrontational. Another technique is to observe a bird's favourite=
song perch, then sit down and wait quietly for its return. If you are stil=
l and quiet you may eventually be accepted as part of the landscape. I have=
had a Woodchuck walk within two feet of me before even noticing my prescen=
ce and still not move away. Having moved obliquely towards a White-crowned =
Sparrow it also moved to meet me, out of curiosity ! The closer you become =
to your subject the stronger the signal to your microphone when the time co=
mes for recording.
When your recorder is in record mode, use earphones to check the gain or re=
cord level. Your ambition will be to achieve a strong, clear signal without=
over-recording the subject. If the subject is a soundscape such as a choru=
s of frogs make sure through the earphones and the record meter that none o=
f the sounds are over-recording. Once in the feild, always have your equipm=
ent ready to make a recording. Opportunities sometimes happen suddenly, so =
be prepared ! If the animal only calls intermittantly : such as a Pied-bill=
ed Grebe or an American Bittern in a marsh; make a long recording to includ=
e the bird. With a MiniDisc you can edit out unnecessary sounds later.
Be Prepared
Being prepared seems obvious until you are out in the feild. Very often I g=
et up before dawn when my mental faculties are not very sharp. It is necess=
ary to have all equipment packed and ready to go! That means all power pack=
s charged and in the carrying case. When I leave the house or car there sho=
uld be spare power-packs and disc in my pocket. A garbage bag is very usefu=
l in case of rain. Recorders and microphones can be totally ruined if they =
get wet . A polyethalene bag can and does completely relieve ones anxiety !
It is really important to document your discs as you go along. For example,=
if you were regularly recording in the backyard you might label a disc BY =
01 02. This would tell you instantly that this disc was the first "backyard=
" disc made in 2002. Further, you should announce at the beginning of each =
disc the number, date and time of the recording. It is also helpful to desc=
ribe the conditions including temperature and the state of the weather. Fro=
m then on announce each new recording with "take ... " and the condition at=
that moment. This extra effort makes documenting your prized recordings ea=
sier. In my case, I make a computer file for the discs and list each good r=
ecording. The second file is a species list where I list a bird and follow =
it with each good recording, which disc, which take, the date and where the=
recording was made. I am surprised and sometimes depressed how quickly the=
details of a disc fades in my memory! To have a quick reference is essenti=
al for compiling material.
Be Careful with your Toys
If you start the day before dawn and keep walking and recording in the wood=
s, you will be very tired by lunchtime. It is rather like having an acciden=
t during the last run of the day at the ski hill.You must be careful and me=
thodical putting your precious toys away! I once left a microphone on the c=
ar roof; when the car speed reached 60 kph the microphone became airborn!
Where to Obtain Advice
After obtaining the best support you can from your local dealer, you will o=
ften want to ask more questions. The Macaulay Laboratory of Natural Sound, =
Cornell University, has a very useful web page evaluating various pieces of=
equipment. The lab has an annual workshop for recordists which I can highl=
y recommend. Check out this page:
Email to connect with NATURE RECORDISTS fr=
om all over the world. The moderator is Doug Von Gausig. He also has a web =
page where archived material is stored.
If you would like to join a society with a newsletter and have an opportuni=
ty to hear other members recordings: contact The Wildlife Sound Recording S=
ociety,Hon Membership Secretary, Mike Iannantuoni, 36 Wenton Close, Cottesm=
ore, Oakham, Leicestershire LE15 7DR UK. Most nature recordists are natural=
ly sensitive to the needs of wildlife. However, the WSR Society has documen=
ted our code of conduct as follows:
"Members will at all times conduct their wildlife sound recordings activiti=
es so as to: do nothing to the detriment of wildlife or its environment, ob=
ey current legislation on such matters, respect the lawful rights of others=
and observe the Countryside Code."
Living in Canada you may not be able to participate in their regular meetin=
gs but the compact disc(CD) made up by and circulated to the membership is =
truly inspiring!
John Neville
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>From Tue Mar 8 18:22:22 2005
Message: 4
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 16:20:36 -0700
From: Doug Von Gausig <>
Subject: Re: article from Nature 3 May 2002
At 03:21 PM 5/3/2002, Y. Dumiel wrote:
>Careless whispers cost chicks
>Females stray when mates lose song battles.
>3 May 2002
>Female birds that overhear their partner lose a singing contest are more
>to mate sneakily with another male, researchers have found1.
>Just two defeats send a female looking for alternative mates. "Females are
>deciding who's going to father their children on the basis of a six-minute
>interaction," says zoologist Tom Peake of the University of Copenhagen,
>Denmark. "That's got to worry pretty much every male on the planet."
>Female eavesdropping shows that there's more to fighting than letting the
>combatants know who's boss - everyone within earshot is also picking up
>Daniel Mennill of Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, went into the w=
>to do battle with male black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla). He
>provoked the birds using a laptop loaded with song recordings.
>Full text
Since the researcher in this story used recordings of Chickadees to elicit=
the studied behavior and since the females made choices depending upon the=
outcome of the "battles" between real and recorded males, this seems proof=
that playback of recordings in the field can have a profound effect on the=
intended (and unintended) targets of the playback.
Any thoughts on that?
Doug Von Gausig
Clarkdale, Arizona, USA
Nature Recordists e-mail group
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