Wild Sanctuary wrote:
> Because ambient M-S field recordings naturally have a certain amount of
> background noise in the data, Walt, it is my opinion that it really doesn't
> matter (except from an intellectual exercise standpoint) whether one stays
> in the digital domain when mixing down...not for that reason, anyway.
> I've tried both digital and analog decoders and hear no qualitative
> difference. I prefer analog because many of the analog decoders are
> extremely low noise, continuously variable spread, and one can hear, in
> real time, what's happening and what the best settings are. It is also the
> preference of many professional sound engineers at nearby Skywalker Sound
> (LucasFilm). Audio Engineering Associates (Pasadena), 1-800-798-9127 has a
> number of M-S decoders that are highly recommended. You can also contact
> Boynton ProAudio (Morris, NY), 607-263-5695, for their
> recommendations...both digital and analog. You might also check with Jerry
> Bruck at Posthorn Recording in NYC, 212-242-3737. He's the best of the best
> and also very knowledgable.
Thanks, Bernie
Ultimately I'd like to have both routes. I have looked some at the
Analog mixers, and am in the process of comparing to software.
Since I record mostly out in the dark, I try to keep clutter in the
field minimized. Which is one of the reasons to look at the software
route. So far the software seems no cheaper than hardware. It would be
of some value to have a low noise pre anyway, so if I go hardware I'd be
looking that route. I'll check out the choices you gave.
I've got a MKH 30, and will pair that with the MKH 80 I just got, or
with one of the MKH 816's. Several choices to play with. Since I have
the MKH 80 which will also do figure 8, it would be nice to find
something that could mix the crossed figure 8 configuration too. I've
not seen anything mentioning doing that.
>From Tue Mar 8 18:22:17 2005
Message: 22
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 07:14:43 -0800
From: Dennis Hysom <>
Subject: Re: Need advice
on 3/8/02 5:56 AM, [dhysom] at [compozarts.com] wrote:
I'm no PC expert, being Mac based. However, you can download a free,
fully functioning version of ProTools for Windows at
I haven't used Cool Edit , so I don't know how it compares to Pro Tools.
The answers to your other questions are better left to PC users.
> Hey all you PC experts, I need some advice ASAP!!
> I have a friend who owns a Dell Dimension L500R computer that has USB ports
> and a two gigabyte internal hard drive, with a conventional CD player
> installed.
> He wants to do basic audio editing and create audio and data CDs of material
> recorded from his Sony DA. He also need to be able to handle data CDs that I
> give to him, containing aif files.
> Questions:
> 1. Is Cool Edit 2000 his best option for basic audio editing? Or is there
> some other software that would be better in the less-than-$100 range??
> 2. What kind of CD burner should he purchase? Would it be best to replace
> the current internal drive with another IDE drive that allows for the
> burning of data? Or would it be best to purchase an outboard "USB"
> CD-burner??
> 3. For sound-in from the DAT, we are considering two options. One of his two
> Sony DAT recorders has s/pdif out, and perhaps the USB-based Edirol UA-1D
> would be a good option for this, but, unfortunately, he has lost the special
> s/pdif output cable necessary for this transaction. We are checking to see
> if we can buy a replacement cable.
> 4. Alternatively, he could use the line-out jacks from the Sony DAT, and
> then input into his computer using the USB-based Edirol UA-1A intput, which
> would re-digitize at 44.1 kHz. This would probably be adequate for his uses.
> Any opinions about these options will be much appreciated. I need the info
> ASAP, as we're making decisions about all this today.
> Lang
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