Many thanks to the editors of and contributors to the current—Dec. 2024—issue of
Canberra Bird Notes. Another fascinating and informative issue.
Kevin Windle’s fine review of Russell McGregor’s
Enchantment by birds… makes me want to rush out and purchase it without delay! Though I note Kevin’s informing us that McGregor states that ‘Birdwatching is a fairly recent recreational activity; the term was coined only in 1901 (p. 59)’.
A quick check of the Oxford English Dictionary suggests otherwise:
Birdwatching: ‘1846 It appears that the little fellow was employed in ‘bird-watching’ in a field adjoining the sea. N. Devon Journal 19 March
Birdwatcher: ‘1712 Auspex does not signify a Favourer or Promoter of any Work or Undertaking, but a
Soothsayer, a Consulter of Omens, a Bird-watcher, whenever it is applied to Person’.
W. Oldisworth in translation of Horace, Odes vol. II. i. vii. Notes upon Notes 34/1
Birdwatcher: ‘1803 Pictures of the lonely bird-watcher and of the hay-field group contrasted.’
J. Kenney, Society, with Other Poems 41
Still, the book sounds great. Thanks for such an interesting review, Kevin.
David McDonald
1004 Norton Road, Wamboin NSW 2620, Australia
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