
Spring things!

To: "" <>
Subject: Spring things!
From: Matthew Larkin via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 12:02:06 +0000
Today Red Wattlebird nest with begging young in Cook; first Sacred Kingfisher 
in Aranda Bushland.
Yesterday first Koel at back of Aranda; also first Olive-backed Oriole in 
Aranda Bushland; first Reed Warbler along Northwestern section of Lake 
Yellow-faced honeyeaters seem to have been everywhere in the last week or so.
And just to confirm that Spring has well and truly sprung, I just about had my 
head taken off by a swooping Magpie while I was riding on the bike path 
alongside Belconnen Way in Bruce!!

Matthew Larkin
Sent from my iPad
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