chatline subscribers
The COG (Canberra Birds) Committee considers that the time is right for COG to produce
and endorse a set of ethical birding guidelines. Attached is a draft we have created and considered over several months. The first page outlines the purpose of the guidelines, and introduces the concept of ethical birding; the
second page is the guidelines; and the last page gives references to more detailed treatments by other organisations.
We have tried throughout to strike the right balance between addressing community expectations and taking a leadership role.
The word ‘birding’ is used to cover all bird-related activities, including bird-watching and bird photography.
We also realise we may need to prepare some accompanying educational material.
This draft was provided to COG members last weekend for comment, and feedback
is now also being sought from the wider community of chatline subscribers. After
consideration and incorporation of any suggested
amendments, the draft will be provided to the
COG Committee for final adoption.
Please send your thoughts to
, cc.
Thanks in advance for reading these draft guidelines, and giving any feedback you might have.
COG Committee