
Time for respect

To: "" <>
Subject: Time for respect
From: Con <>
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2023 22:43:20 +0000

Hi everyone

For those who have the interests of the birds as their primary concern the photography ethics of the Birdlife Australia Photography group are, IMO, excellent.

kind regards


On 9/2/2023 11:27 PM, Chris Davey wrote:

Thanks for the posting.


There was an interesting program on the radio the other day about the problems caused by people visiting National Parks to get the ultimate selfie. Apparently most of those into selfies do not care a fig about the Park, it is the selfie to be be posted on social media that is important.


Sounds as though we have the same problem, possibly  ‘Birfies’!




From: Canberrabirds [m("","canberrabirds-bounces");">] On Behalf Of kym bradley via Canberrabirds
Sent: Saturday, 2 September 2023 8:15 PM
To: canberrabirds
Subject: [Canberrabirds] Time for respect


I know what you all will be saying and thinking personally I dont care


BUT its time for respect


It is not a competition where there is a trophy at the end for the best photograph


Will end up like the Black Shouldered Kites at Jerra wetlands , years back they were hounded tracks around the tree, cameras in hand under the nest tree round and round when I asked someone to stop its the swamp hens making the track do you all think I am really that stupid


In the end they deserted


A lot of the birds are starting their breeding process


Today I had to have words with one birder who was hounding a pair of hooded robins ( over fence line where they should not be ) for images they are in their breeding stages


He is feeding her , he is calling she is fluttering etc


Please leave them alone to get on with the season


They and others DO NOT need any disruption they have a fantastic breeding record 


Also if you open gates which you should NOT without permission to get access to areas dont throw the wire that is holding the gate shut away and leave the gate open there is stock that will get out trail cameras are in use they pick up these things

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