Yes, timing is important. And remembering (if you still can). The Dickson wanderers were attracted to fresh lawn seeding. Some might remember that the amiable Trucking Yard Lane grazier calls
them ‘Darwin Ducks’, a name not recorded in Fraser & Gray (2019).
From: Canberrabirds <>
On Behalf Of shorty via Canberrabirds
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2023 2:02 PM
To: Anthony Overs <>
Cc: Canberrabirds <>
Subject: Re: [Canberrabirds] Trucking Yard Ln and Lake Rd
I guess it is a matter of timing to see the PWD. For the last 3 months I have seen 2 there on every visit, last visit was on the 22nd where the cows came for a drink pushing them into the dam allowing me to get a rare ( for me ) photo of
them on the water.