I have been asked by Stacey Taylor to post the following item to the COG Discussion List. If you have any queries please contact Stacey at the email address listed below.
The ACT Government is partnering with the ANU Difficult Bird Research Group to better understand the population genetics of Gang-gang Cockatoos across their range.
Understanding the genetic diversity, effective population size and gene flow of Gang-gang Cockatoos will help inform conservation actions for the species.
We are seeking the community’s support to collect Gang-gang feathers, within and outside the ACT, to contribute to the analysis. Feathers contain genetic information unique to an individual.
They provide insights into the biology and ecology of birds that are otherwise challenging to sample, and in a way that is not intrusive.
For more information please visit the following
link and be sure to check out the
handbook to help you identify Gang-gang feathers. Please contact m("act.gov.au","ganggangsact");">
if you have a feather you would like to contribute.
Thank you!