
Breeding birds in Hawker

To: Canberra Birds <>
Subject: Breeding birds in Hawker
From: Anthony Overs via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 01:25:19 +0000
Hi folks 

Another breeding report for you (and maybe the last?).

Crested Pigeons were sitting on the nest for quite some time, and then they weren't. No sign of eggs, and it is hard to tell if the nest was predated given how messy it was in the shrub concerned. So, they're one for three for successful nests.

I have multiple pairs of Red-rumped Parrots visit my baths every day. They bring their young with them for a short period before they decide that those kids should be elsewhere. One pair brought two brand new young to the bath last week, which may be evidence of late breeding or indeed a second brood! With an incubation period of 20 days, and young fledging after another four to five weeks, a second brood is highly possible.

The resident Australian King-Parrots have two very noisy begging young. I have no idea where the nest is, perhaps in The Pinnacle or on Kama. I'm assuming breeding records in town are not common.

Although I have not kept a close eye on them, the Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes that breed nearby at the primary school entrance appear to have raised at least one young.

Both Spotted and Striated Pardalotes have raised numerous young, many of which visit the baths often. They are very quick though, they sneak in, land on the bath, a tiny drink, then vanish into the treetops. Calling betrays their presence.

It has been an incredible breeding season, with multiple attempts by many species. Thanks to consecutive wet spring-summers, there are abundant food sources that are sustaining lots of young birds. I expect survivorship to be high. I guess that's the way it goes in our climate!


On Mon, 31 Jan 2022 at 19:32, Anthony Overs <> wrote:
And the breeding reporting continues …

The resident Red-browed Finches have produced a trio of young, with the utterly charming little group visiting the bath (and having a bit of seed at the feeder).

The Grey Fantails that breed in the nearby woodlands in The Pinnacle have been successful, with many young birds chasing each other and also using the bath.

The resident Willie Wagtails built a couple of nests, then changed their minds each time and moved. Not sure where the final nest was located, but the pair raised a couple of young that are here much of the day.

Over the last couple of days, a White-throated Treecreeper has ventured down Dungowan St, from The Pinnacle. Possibly a dispersing young bird.

The fairy-wrens reported below actually have three young rather than two. Despite being dependent, they are now much more confident and leave the sanctuary of the dense shrubbery (ni!).

The local Red Wattlebirds have just reared a third brood. They have been lucky not to have to raise a koel, despite their obvious presence in the area.

The Crested Pigeons reported below are sitting on the nest.


> On 12 Jan 2022, at 8:46 am, Anthony Overs <> wrote:
> It is absolute chaos in my yard at the moment with so many small birds about, including many young. It’s like an air traffic controller is required!
> Breeding shows no sign of slowing down, and why would it with abundant food resources available.
> Eastern Spinebills have a third distinct brood (based on plumage changes) just fledged, with brand new young being fed by adults. However there are several pairs in my neighbourhood so I’m assuming that the three broods are from different pairs (oh to have them banded!) We have yet to find an active nest.
> A pair of Brown Thornbills has had two broods. A pair of Scrubwrens has had one.
> The Superb Fairy-wrens on the eastern side of the house (they actually nest across the street in my friend’s yard) have just turned up with their second brood of two young. The family on the west of the house fledged two young about three weeks ago. My wife suggested that it’s a wrenaissance (see the ABC article from this morning).
> Silvereyes all of a sudden seem to reappear, having doubled their numbers overnight with so many young with them.
> On to larger birds, the Red Wattlebird pair has had two broods of two.
> Crested Pigeons reported on previously lost a second nest, in a different location to that of the first nest, and are now frantically rebuilding in the original location.
> Families of Eastern and Crimson Rosellas, and Red-rumped Parrots have all been visiting the baths in the front yard and the apple tree out the back.
> A pair of Australian Ravens and their two young have been around for quite some time. One of the adults wails in the most over the top, melodramatic fashion, while the two kids just do not stop talking!!
> I also have four Uperoleia laevigata individuals in the front yard!
> Cheers
> Anthony

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  • Breeding birds in Hawker, Anthony Overs via Canberrabirds <=

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