I am not much of a gardener, in fact due to rain-induced weed gigantism it is now just about impossible to take a walk in the backyard. The ‘garden’ contains some other large specimens, being original plantings by the
PREVIOUS OWNER. One is a large Catalpa that I have had to cut back severely, but was probably one of the largest in Canberra. Another big one is possibly Canberra’s most expansive Irish Strawberry Tree. Yet another candidate for a record: two examples of Callistemon
viminalis ‘Dawson River Weeper’. These must be at least 50 years old, and I reckon at least 10m high, justification for the warning in the gardening notes ‘can grow taller in ideal conditions’. They offer an occasional roosting perch for the local frogmouths
and also a backdrop for other bird life, as shown below.