Hello subscribers, the announcement yesterday by the ACT Government that the COVID lockdown will be extended until 15 October confirms that the 13 October COG meeting will need to be another virtual one.
Given that we successfully conducted the 8 September virtual meeting with the usual 2 speakers, I am now looking for a speaker who is happy to give the shorter 20 minute first presentation virtually at the 13 Ocotber meeting. This can
be on any topic you believe COG members may be interested, the variety of very good presentations we’ve had so far this year would be a good guide.
So if you have a suitable presentation in mind and are happy to give this virtually, I would be very grateful if you could please contact me with your offer.
Given that even if the lockdown is lifted in mid-October, the chances of COG again being able to meet face-to-face with our usual 50-70 attendees would seem still quite some further time away. So In the slightly longer term I expect I
will also need speakers for our main 40-45 minute presentations, so if you possibly have one of those that you would be happy to give, please also do not hesitate to contact me with your offer.
Many thanks
Jack Holland