
Superb and Swift Parrots

To: "" <>
Subject: Superb and Swift Parrots
From: Philip Veerman <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2021 10:27:44 +0000

As far as I can tell, from this group of in Kambah they are only feeding from the leaves of the eucalypts, which suggest lerps (the only trees in the car park are eucalypts or I might need to go and check if that is correct). Some of them have many flower buds but they are not open yet.


From: Canberrabirds [ On Behalf Of Harvey Perkins via Canberrabirds
Sent: Thursday, 20 May, 2021 5:01 PM
To: Kim Farley
Cc: Canberra birds
Subject: Re: [Canberrabirds] Superb and Swift Parrots


Thanks Stuart, Kim, John


See, this is what happens when you live in Kambah where Superb Parrots effectively just don't exist!



On Thu, 20 May 2021 at 16:46, Kim Farley via Canberrabirds <> wrote:

When I worked at the ABS in Belconnen up to 2014, Superbs used to feed on Plane Tree seeds in the small Plane Trees outside  ABS House.  Those trees are pretty big now so hopefully/presumably still a food source.



On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 4:42 PM calyptorhynchus via Canberrabirds <> wrote:

Elm seeds have become a main diet item for Superbs in recent years. Possibly a factor in their spread into the suburbs.


John L


On Thu, 20 May 2021 at 16:32, Harvey Perkins via Canberrabirds <> wrote:

I'm working from home today, so after seeing Philip's email I quickly ducked down to Jenke circuit to see the Superb Parrots. I couldn't stay long, but was greeted by 4 (3 females and a male) on the side of the road drinking at a puddle. I probably only saw 7 all up, but was only there less than 10 minutes and didn't have time to wander around much.


What surprised me was that they didn't seem particularly interested in the scattered eucalypts. Most treest there seem to be either casuarinas or exotics, and the focus of at least a couple of females was on the seeds of liquidamber and Chinese Elms. Haven't looked up HANZAB yet, but that struck me as possibly unusual - certainly unexpected.




On Thu, 20 May 2021 at 15:05, Philip Veerman <> wrote:

I have just returned from another visit there. There is still about 30 Superb Parrots there, although more dispersed than yesterday, although I did have one flying flock of about 20, whilst others were still about the trees. Also and maybe better, a tight group of about 20 to 25 Swift Parrots did several flying circuits around the car park. As in that was the biggest group but also about 4 other sightings of between 5 and 10, though I suspect these were all the same birds. At one stage 2 Superb Parrots joined the Swift Parrot flock. Similar shape but very different size and flying style. I tried but could not see the Swift Parrots perching and I suspect they went off over Drakeford Drive.




From: Megan Mears [
Sent: Thursday, 20 May, 2021 2:51 PM
To: Philip Veerman
Subject: Re: [Canberrabirds] Superb parrots


Great news to know they're so resilient.







On Wed, 19 May 2021, 10:10 am Philip Veerman, <> wrote:

It gets better than that. I have just returned from visiting Kambah Medical Centre, at the bottom of Jenke Circuit Kambah (9 a.m.). Before going in I counted I think 23 Superb Parrots in one tree but thought probably more. Coming out 30 minutes later it was clear they were in several trees around the car park. Could easily be 50 Superb Parrots there. M & F in sort of similar numbers. Feeding mostly on leaves, so probably lerp, though I did not have binoculars to see that clearly (in very dull light). Noisy Miners were bothering them but mostly the SP would just do a wide circle and return.




From: Canberrabirds [ On Behalf Of Philip Veerman       Sent: Tuesday, 18 May, 2021 8:58 AM To:        Subject: Re: [Canberrabirds] Superb parrots


Going out yesterday afternoon I saw three Superb Parrots fly past, being one of the very few records for my GBS site (in Kambah).

Then driving through Woden about 4 p.m. one adult male flying over the corner of Hindmarsh & Melrose drive. With the sun low behind, the bright green, yellow face & red band really seemed glowing.



From: Canberrabirds [ On Behalf Of Joan Lipscombe via Canberrabirds    Sent: Wednesday, 12 May, 2021 11:35 AM          To: canberrabirds          Subject: [Canberrabirds] Superb parrots


There are still regular flocks of up to 20  Superbs ( mixed) in various locations in Campbell. Also  I saw 3 flying over MacArthur Avenue, O'Connor late yesterday afternoon.


Joan LIpscombe

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