Yesterday around 09.15hrs there was a flock of about 15 Dusky Wood Swallows hawking and foraging in the trees in the NNW and Fraser corner of Mt Rogers. There appeared to be almost-dependent young amongst the flock.
It was overcast at the time and there were other small birds feeding in the canopy of the relatively intact grassy-woodland there.
The Duskies may have moved away NNW towards Halls Creek’s corridor and thence to the threatened connectivity corridor of Ginninderra Creek and the Murrumbidgee.
We were Landcare volunteering in the same area this morning at the same time. There were far fewer species as the day was already warm by 09.30.
2-4 Satin Bowerbirds were also feeding, in the adjacent gardens
on the steel-blue berries of Viburnum tinus.
Viburnum tinus, originally from southern Europe, is a wonderful garden plant but its progeny are now infesting nature reserves. The species is no longer a benign
replacement for privet, cotoneaster and in re-landscaping situations :-(