This week in my GBS precinct in Deakin:
- Olive-backed Oriole heard
- Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike heard
- House Sparrows and Willie Wagtails seen for fist time in over ten years
- Bowerbird count up to 4 greens and 2 blues. Much dancing and singing. Flower carrying etc. But no activity at the bower involving the blue birds that I have seen.
Today (Saturday) I saw a parliament(?) of Australian Ravens – about 8 to 10 – flying wildly around and making a huge row with their cawing. They were being harassed closely by noisy miners and some other species. High in the tree which
was centre-stage in the cacophony was a raven’s nest with a bird on it. The flock birds were flying within the canopy of the tree and nearby. This behaviour does not seem to fit the descriptions in HANZAB where tight territory defending is the usual. Does
anyone have an idea what the behaviour signifies?