The dramatic saga of the juvenile Koel in my plum tree and the attending male waiting to guide its northward flight has a (sort of) happy ending.
People from Wildcare Queanbeyan read my posts. They had a rescued juvenile Koel which was ready to be released. When they read of ‘my’ juvenile Koel , that there was plenty of food
here, and that he had a guide waiting for him, they contacted me and came and released it in my yard.
I cannot honestly say that I saw the released bird after that. I saw and heard a juvenile Koel for about a week after that but do not know which one I was hearing or if it was both.
I stopped hearing the juvenile calls about a week ago, only the male wirra wirra.
I have seen or heard nothing for a week now. I presume they are on their journey north. I hope they make it.