Hi all
As part of the Healthy waterways project Ables will be pumping water from the silt trap to the Billabong over the next month. This is mainly to keep the aquatic plants alive but also to have a wet area/water for birds and other animals.
Some people have inquired about filling up Kellys swamp with water. As a wetland Kellys swamp is going through a dry period, imitating the natural cycle of a wetland. This has many benefits to the area. The dry period helps ensure the soils
maintain their ability to absorb nutrients and allow oxygen into the soil. This will aid the decomposition of plant material and increase the fertility. The different types of grasses growing in the swamp while it is dry will be good decomposed matter when
the swamp fills up again. There are still quite a few birds living in the area so not all is lost!
Miriam Fokker | Senior Ranger
Jerrabomberra Wetlands
ACT Parks and Conservation Service
Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate | ACT Government
ph: 6207 5477 | mobile: 0428 113 533 | fax: 02 6207 2093 | email:
Athllon Depot Cnr Athllon and Sulwood Dr FARRER | GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 |
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