
Fw: Merlin News: Get the Australia pack!

To: Canberrabirds <>
Subject: Fw: Merlin News: Get the Australia pack!
From: "David McDonald (personal)" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 05:28:51 +0000
Thanks Ryu, I have used Merlin in Scandanavia and Western Canada, and found it excellent. The data are downloaded to one's mobile device for offline use.

On 2019-06-14 14:23, Ryu Callaway wrote:

For the benefit of non-ebird users out there. 
I have not tried it yet and not sure about offline functionality, but seems as though it could provide features rivalling the existing field guide apps. 

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Merlin Bird ID <>
To: Ryu <>
Date: 2019/6/14, Fri 14:19
Subject: Merlin News: Get the Australia pack!

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In this issue: Free bird guide for north and southeast Australia

Merlin Now Covers 450+ Species in Australia!

We are excited to announce the launch of the first Merlin Bird Packs for Australia! Merlin Bird ID is the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's bird identification and field guide app, powered by eBirders like yourself. Whether you live in or travel to Australia, use Merlin Bird ID as your bird identification guide, with helpful ID tips, reference images, and audio, all in your pocket. Plus, you can use the Bird ID and Photo ID to identify any mystery birds (or just try to stump Merlin!), or explore the likely species for any spot you want to bird.

Merlin Bird ID is available for iOS and Android devices.
Share Merlin Australia with a friend:

Southeast Pack

Includes 394 species from southeast Australia and Tasmania, ranging from Victorian coastal areas, up to semitropical southeast Queensland. Coastal and urban species are included, together with more common species on the inland side of the Great Dividing Range.

North Pack

This pack includes 384 species across northern Australia, including the Kimberley region of Western Australia, Top End of the Northern Territory, and far north Queensland (except northern Cape York).

Get More From Merlin Bird ID

Merlin Bird ID is more than just ID help. You can create custom lists of likely birds you might see for anywhere you are birding, with seasonal abundance charts built by your eBird submissions! You can also listen to songs and calls, browse your life list, and more. Explore more features available in Merlin.

Thank You!

Merlin Bird ID is only possible because of the checklists and media submitted to eBird by each of you. A huge shoutout also goes to Mat Gilfedder and Callan Alexander for writing the ID text for each species.Thank you!
Free for iOS and Android devices.


Merlin Tips

Looking for local bird names? You can get Merlin to display local names by choosing an option, such as English (Australia), from the Settings screen.

Have any other questions? Contact support.

Birding in other areas? 
Merlin includes packs for over 40 countries. Packs for India, Caribbean, Chile, and Israel have recently been released. Check the Bird Packs screen in your Merlin app for the full list.

All bird packs are free to download in Merlin.
Photos in this newsletter
Double-eyed Fig-Parrot ©Mat Gilfedder/Macaulay Library (ML115900841 and ML122242941)
Spotted Pardalote ©Lachlan Read/Macaulay Library (ML158145201)

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