For anyone interested in such stuff, the latest (2019) 25k series of topographic maps of NSW (including the ACT) at *last* shows the boundaries of Canberra Nature Reserve and other ACT reserves. Until now
the only visualisation of the boundaries easily available to the public has been Google Maps, but this is not easy to read and is often misleading. The ACT Government has its own map/GIS system that should be accurate but not available easily and portably.
The individual maps of each reserve at are missing many reserves and are mostly out of date (Kama, Woodstock and Isaacs Ridge, for example).
I use the digital version and this 2019 version is much better than the previous set. I wrote to the mapping authority about the earlier version asking why there was no cadastral information at all, let alone
reserve boundaries, and was told "we didn't get any information from the ACT Government so it hasn't been included" which seemed a strange way to run an official map series. The latest series is useful for birders who like to know where they can wander.