They are flying over my home still (or again). I have just been out to check and for about 20 minutes had probably 80 or so going over. But a count at was what
was visible depends how wide the arc is. Although doing some circling, the movement was clearly generally northward. This time they were dispersed, so sort of easy to follow individuals, partly the way I was standing (to be in shade of big tree) but most arrived
from the south and almost all lost to view going north.
From: Philip Veerman [
Sent: Friday, 18 January, 2019 8:32 PM
To: 'Canberra Birds'
Subject: FW: [canberrabirds] Fork-tailed Swifts
The below was the time I had available to watch (I had to go out in the afternoon). However at 6:38 when going out of my house again I saw a flock of about
20 of the Fork-tailed Swifts going over the house. This time all flying fairly direct and together (not spinning arcs), going northwards. Great that so many have seen them.
From: Philip Veerman [
Sent: Friday, 18 January, 2019 11:45 AM
To: 'Canberra Birds'
Subject: [canberrabirds] Fork-tailed Swifts
Well I went outside quickly and came back in quickly to type a confirmation note. After about 30 minutes watching, there is a lot more than 10. They have mostly
gone now, if anything going generally southwards. I think I will put 40 on my GBS Chart as simultaneously present (unless I see more later). But I would have seen a lot more than that. The flock could be up to 100, some in view close by and still others visible
as distant flying dots in good binoculars. This is more and closer and longer duration than I have ever before seen of this species, which has previously been quick obs of small numbers. No WtN among them. I heard twittering that sounded like Welcome Swallows
but could not see any of them. A one day late birthday present for me. I love watching swifts, though for most of my years it was the WtN. They are in short supply in recent years. I have also seen Fork-tailed Swifts at their I assume, breeding caves in China.