The ACT Little Eagle Research Group released information that has led to several recent media items at the following links, the best of which is the first, ie the ACT Government entry on its threatened species
web page. There was also TV and radio coverage including 2CC which is not included in these links.
Highlights of the released information included:
a map of movements of the Black Mt juvenile ‘B6’ tagged in the nest last December, which has spent a substantial part of the year in the sugar cane fields near Bundaberg, but has recently returned south and spent its first birthday near Leongatha in Victoria;
the described movements of four breeding males wearing GPS packs around Canberra; and
a new record for the highest number of nests in which an egg has been laid, counted in a single breeding season. The previous record was six last year but has been broken again this year; and
Delightful video of a chick, including it being fed with small pieces of rabbit.
Little Eagle breeding season is not over, so further adjustment is expected to things like counts of active nests, and description of movement behaviour. For obvious reasons the locations of nests are not revealed,
only interstate maps are provided.
Kind regards
Don Fletcher
ACT Government -
Win News -
ABC Radio (starts about 40 min in) -