Positions Vacant: COG database management
COG is seeking expressions of interest from one or more persons with the appropriate skills for volunteer positions in the performance of the following functions in relation to the COG data sets.
The position(s) are currently vacant.
There are now three roles to be performed:
the compilation, administration and maintenance of the database
the extraction of data to meet requests for information and
the preparation of statistics for the writing of the Annual Bird Report and inclusion on the COG website
COG seeks to engage one to three persons to work cooperatively to perform these relatively separate roles.
1 Compilation, administration and maintenance of the database
The key role is to store and maintain the historic general surveys database and the woodland database. This includes downloading data from Birds Australia, eBird, Canberra Nature Map and the COG Incidentals Website,
on at least an annual basis. These data sources need to be transformed into a consistent format to enable statistics to be generated for the Annual Bird Report.
The data sets are presently stored in SQL type databases on Google drive.
2 Extraction of data to meet requests for information
Occasionally, there are requests for data sets to be extracted from the database. This could be done by the person managing the database, but could easily be delegated to another person so that the load
is shared. These are routine operations that do not require complex skills. Each extraction would generally take no more than 1 -2 hours for more complex requests.
3 Preparation of statistics for the writing of the Annual Bird Report and the COG Website
This role involves extracting data from the general dataset and the Garden Bird Survey dataset (managed separately) and preparing species level statistical summaries. The statistics
are provided to the authors of the Annual Bird Report who use them in their description of the current and historical status of each species. It also involves providing a similar set of statistics for the COG Website, and for a report on the COG Bird Blitz.
Due to the volume of data, this task requires skills in automated data manipulation and analysis. These operations occur only once a year in December and January.
If you are interest in volunteering your services in this important aspect of COG’s work, please contact Paul Fennell on 0407 105 460 in the first instance then send a brief _expression_ of interest and
short resume to The Secretary, COG at with a copy to m("grapevine.com.au","ptf");" class="">
Paul Fennell
Editor, COG Annual Bird Report